How To Revamp Your Skin for Spring?

How To Revamp Your Skin for Spring?

We all experience seasons differently and this is because of the earth’s tilt. The northern hemisphere, for example, experiences summer during May, June, and July. This is because the northern hemisphere is directly exposed to the sun during the said months. Subsequently, the southern hemisphere experiences summer during November, December, and January. The transitions in seasons also bring with it changes in weather patterns. These changes also affect our metabolism and one of the affected organs is our skin because it is the organ with the largest surface area and thus perceives these changes directly because it is also on the exterior. Spring is a season that comes after winter and it begins at the spring equinox and is characterized by equal daylight and night hours. It is calm and that is why most people don’t pay much attention to their skin during this period. This article provides a guide on how to revamp your skin for spring. 

How to revamp your skin for spring

Exfoliate your skin regularly
  1. Exfoliate your skin regularly

During winter your skin is less hydrated and that is why it is hard for your skin to get rid of old, rough, and dead skin cells. If you are looking for a skin revamp in the spring then you must exfoliate your skin regularly. During the transition between winter and spring., Your skin will tend to be dull, dry, or flaky. Skin revamp requires either physical or chemical exfoliation. Physical exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells with an abrasive object like a sponge or a scrub. It is highly recommended that you use a circular motion when scrubbing the skin. This process will increase the blood flow to your skin and also restore the elasticity of your skin. Chemical exfoliation on the other hand is the process of removing dead skin cells either by using Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) or Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs). You can use chemical exfoliation if you have sensitive skin or cannot do rigorous physical exfoliation. The chemical exfoliants come with nutrients though it may take a while for your skin to absorb them.

The transition from winter to spring means that temperatures will gradually rise due to sunlight. It is because of this reason that you should use sunscreen with moisturizer. The sunscreen can help you protect your skin from ultraviolet rays and the moisturizer will help your skin to be hydrated. Sunscreen with moisturizer should feature in your daily skincare routine. You can use either physical sunscreen or chemical sunscreen to revamp your skin. Sunscreen prevents the sun rays from reducing your collagen level. If your collagen level goes down so does your skin elasticity and this causes wrinkles and lines on your skin. Moisturizing the skin helps the skin regulate its temperature and thus skin cells can have an optimal environment to repair and regenerate themselves. 

You can get exfoliates, sunscreen, and moisturizer from the Neutiherbs store, and all you need to do is visit the website and place your order today. 

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