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Most asked Skincare Questions: Answered

Do day cream and night cream differ from one another? If I find one, can I use a product that I like both in the morning and at night?

The ingredients that day and night creams contain frequently make the difference between the two. Using a night cream with active ingredients like Retinol or exfoliating acids may not be advisable during the day. On the other hand, it wouldn’t make sense to use a day cream with a sun protection factor in the evening. However, if you use a basic cream that only moisturizes and soothes the skin, you can use it in the morning and at night without any problems!


Do different skin types require different skincare steps, or are there universal steps for all skin types?

Even though we frequently believe this is not the case, hydrating oily skin just as much as dry skin requires the same steps. The kind of products that are advised to be used change. While those with oily skin will probably do better with lighter products, those with drier skin will benefit more from those with a richer, creamier texture. Similarly to this, various skin types will require various ingredients. Because of this, developing a sense of skin needs awareness is critical because there is so much to say about ingredients.


How frequently can I make masks and scrubs without endangering the skin’s health? Which step of my skincare regimen should I incorporate them into?

Before using any serums or moisturizers, rinse masks and scrubs should be used right after cleansing the face. The type of treatment you select, and your skin type will undoubtedly affect how frequently you use masks. For instance, if you have fairly dry skin, you could apply a moisturizing mask twice or thrice weekly. However, we advise against overusing purifying masks because they may cause stress on your skin. Making one mask per week is enough for those just starting.

Face scrubs are a subject that is trickier for me because I’m not a huge fan of them. We recommend avoiding aggressive treatments that include dried fruit shells or other excessively large particles. Instead, opt for gentle scrubs with small, soluble particles that melt away when massaging on the face. Also, in this case, we suggest not exaggerating and limiting its use to a couple of times a month!


Are chemical exfoliants better than those of physicists? How to start introducing them into your routine?”

One is not superior to the other; it all depends on your preferences and needs. Physical exfoliants are preferred over chemical ones by us. While physical exfoliants only work on the top layer of our skin, removing dead skin cells occasionally aggressively, chemical exfoliants work more slowly and delicately by promoting natural cell renewal.

It is, in any case, crucial to incorporate them into their routine with the least amount of caution for those just getting started. You can begin by using them once a week and selecting a product with a low active concentration. Then, as you observe how your skin responds, you can gradually increase the frequency of use. Consult your dermatologist or a beautician if you need clarification on which chemical exfoliant would be most effective for you. Also, remember that sunscreen with SPF30 or higher is even more crucial after exfoliating your skin!