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Natural Skincare Or Conventional Skincare 

One of the great comparisons of this generation is in which to choose between Conventional or natural skincare products. The questions frequently asked are which one is better? Which is Safer? And which yields the best result? All these are the current worries of Sophia who is currently going through puberty and she needs skin-care products to keep her looking fabulous for her Instagram followers. Sophia decided to meet a professional who will advise her on the route best taken.

The professional asked Sophia if she was allergic to anything because when using skincare products, be it natural or conventional, a person has to make sure they are not allergic to the ingredients used in the production of the skincare product. The professional then took a skin graph and a blood sample to check which products he would prescribe for better results. After a while, under the microscope, Sophia was exhausted and tired. She couldn’t believe she had to go through all that just to get a few skincare products she could use conveniently. She took the conventional skincare products and started using them for a month or so before the side effects appeared and got her all worried again. The conventional skincare products were working but they were making her fat and her body was getting itchy especially under the sun which is bad news for her because it’s summer season. 

Sophia with no way out decided to try out the Natural skincare products. At this point, she had her fingers crossed but had no real hope of getting better. She thought to herself that if the chemicals in the conventional skin care products couldn’t help her then the natural skincare products cannot possibly be of much help to her or her skin problems. Unknowingly to her, the natural skincare products were the salvation she needed. She acquired the products at a cheaper price than conventional skin products. They turned out to be easier to use and they also contain a natural scent that automatically spirits you into a whole great mood. After a week she already started noticing great changes with her acne almost completely gone and the itchiness going through her body became a thing of the past. The natural skincare products also had no side effects on her body and she was back to her normal weight in no time. 

The first thing Sophia did was to glam up and post a very beautiful picture for her Instagram followers. She wrote the caption “Natural skincare products are the best”. Her followers were so impressed by the result they all wanted to know the products she used to get such perfect results. She told them of her journey through conventional skincare products to natural skin care products and how long it took her to finish the treatment. More than 80% of her followers and friends immediately followed her footsteps and got the same products and the positive comments are through the roof.