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How to lighten the skin naturally?

If you are interested in understanding how to lighten the skin, you are in the right place. We will tell you about the 10 best ingredients that reduce the production of melanin, the pigment that determines the colour of our skin and causes dark spots when it is produced in excess.

Melanin is a natural antioxidant that protects our skin from sunlight, pollution, radiation, and photoaging, among others.

By having a greater amount of melanin in the skin, those with a darker tone enjoy additional protection against these aggressive agents, however, melanin is not enough and regardless of your skin colour, it is essential to use sun protection.

Melanin and skin colour

The ingredients that we are going to relate to you especially treat the excessive production of melanin but some will help you to lighten your skin a little, however, your tone is determined in the first three months of pregnancy based on the genetics of your parents, that is to say, you won’t be able to change it significantly.

Different factors can increase your melanin production, such as sun exposure, changes in hormonal levels, and trauma to your skin, among others.

If over the years you have seen that the tone of your skin has been darkening, we will tell you about the possible causes and the different types of spots so that you can identify them and thus choose the most suitable skin lightening product for you.

Why does the skin darken?

  • Excessive sun exposure
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Acne
  • wounds
  • genetic factors

Natural Ingredients to Lighten your Skin


This is one of the best home remedies for whitening and stain removal. You just need a crushed tomato and mix it with the juice of a lemon. Then apply it to the face and let it sit for 15 minutes to rinse with warm water. Repeat it once a week and do not forget to use this mask only at night, as lemon juice can help the appearance of spots if you are exposed to sunlight.

Potato and Honey

This ingredient has properties to lighten the skin and remove spots caused by scars. Mash the potato and add a tablespoon of honey, apply it in the areas you want to obtain the benefits and leave it to act for 20 minutes. Rinse with enough cold water and repeat the procedure twice a week.


To have skin free of dark spots and create an even tone, this is the best natural product. Prepare half a cup of chamomile infusion, two tablespoons of coffee and a tablespoon of natural yoghourt. Mix the ingredients and leave for 20 minutes and rinse. Apply it twice a week. You will love the results!

Castor oil

Castor oil together with baking soda is infallible for skin care. You just have to apply the mixture of both ingredients give a light massage, leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse with cold water. Perform this procedure four times a week and you will see how it removes the stains that usually appear over time.

Apple cider vinegar and olive oil

Apple cider vinegar and olive oil will be your allies to lighten spots and whiten the skin, as well as being the best recipe to remove blackheads and regenerate the skin. Mix ten drops of vinegar and a tablespoon of oil to create a smooth paste. Apply directly as a mask to affected areas for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water.

Lemon Juice

Lemon is a natural ingredient with a high number of antioxidants. If you want to naturally reduce skin blemishes while achieving an even tone, this ingredient is all you need—it cleanses the skin, removes impurities, removes excess oil and tightens pores.

You just have to mix the juice with a tablespoon of water. Then apply the mixture and let it act for at least 20 minutes and then rinse with cold water. It is very important to use it only at night because as we already told you, against the sun the effect will be the opposite and it will stain your skin. You can also mix the lemon with a tablespoon of natural yoghourt and leave it to act for 20 minutes. Apply both masks two to three times a week and say goodbye to blemishes.